You are cordially invited to join the TCDA-IBF Gala Performance and Reception, held on July 14.
Students from the United States and Europe attending the TCDA - International Ballet Festival, will be performing on stage, alongside Guest
Professional Dancers, in a Gala Evening of Music and Dance.
The Gala Performance is to be presented at the Auburn State Theatre, at 6:30pm. Following the performance, there will be a complementary Reception at 8:00pm, hosted by Placer Arts Council of Placer County, whom are the designated State local partner of the California Arts Council.
The Reception will be held at 910 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603, located within walking-distance, minutes away from the Auburn State Theatre. There, you will be able to meet and mix in with the faculty and the dancers, and continue the celebration with live music, beverages and hors d'oeuvres.