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Students traveled from 25 cities from across the United States and Europe to attend the TCDA-IBF Sum

An inspiring month of dance at TCDA - International Ballet Festival 2017.

Students have travelled from 25 cities from across the United States and Europe to attend the TCDA - International Ballet Festival to work with knowledgeable, dedicated artists and educators, and to perform along side professional dancers.

This year, TCDA-IBF has given the opportunity to students to perform in two great venues on both the West and East Coast, and has awarded a total 8 Scholarships to top-notch programs:

- Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin, Germany - National Dance Conservatory of Madrid, Spain - Tanz Akademie Zürich, Switzerland - TCDA-International Ballet Festival California, USA

The Faculty this year has welcomed the following Artists and Educators:

Jenna Johnson - Principal Dancer, Ballet Tucson, AZ, USA Olivier Foures - International Ballet Master & Dr. of Musicology, Madrid, Spain Daniel Precup - Ballet Master & Choreographer, Ballet Tucson, AZ, USA Theodore Constant - TCDA-IBF Founder & Artistic Director, Sacramento, USA Dacia Biletnikoff - Dancer & Choreographer, Chadash Dance Company, Broomfield, CO, USA Erin Espinosa - Dancer & Choreographer, Dance Cooperative, Wilmington, NC, USA

We are looking forward to next year's TCDA-IBF Summer Intensive 's 5th Anniversary! Auditions & registration will start early spring. Stay tuned by visiting this site, and by liking us on Facebook.

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